How To Negotiate So Everyone Wins
“The Power of Nice” by Ron Shapiro distills down the art of negotiation into some great simplified lessons to apply to not only a salary increase, but negotiations you may encounter in many other situations. My favorite parts of the book are summarized below.
Negotiation is a two-way street.
The way to get what you want is to help the other side get what they want.
Six tools: Prepare, Probe, Propose, Participate, Engage, and Personalize
Lack of confidence is mostly lack of knowledge. Arming yourself with knowledge allows you to deal with strength. Be open to change throughout.
Ask yourself what you want out of the negotiation before going in.
Challenge your answers to your own demands and rank your needs. Prioritize your goals, only leaving the most important one and you will know what you want.
Let the other side offer first.
You can learn from them going first as the other side may meet or exceed your goal with the first offer. You may even be able to revise your expectations further upward as negotiations continue.